Hierarchy through scale and placement

1: The first thing you may look at when you see this is the girl in bottom right corner. This placement towards the bottom has a heavy feeling to it as she is also quite dark and has some highlights of contrast but also lies close  on the rule of thirds which creates emphasis. The brownish/yellow grass lead the eye to the left of the image and the trees lead your eyes back up to the top while the light brings your eyes to the upper right. Had her been scaled a little larger it would be less likely you would look at the other elements of this picture.

2. The bright red car is small but because of its color and placement it is still obviously the focal point but because of its small size it does not steal all of the attention.

3.The bright sky is the first thing your eye is drawn to but the slight angle of the white leads you to look towards the left and your drawn to the sign which is the focal point of the image and falls of the rule of thirds and the posts point towards the flowers which lead you to the dark trees.

4.The bright orange flowers are the first thing you look at not only because of their orange color but also because they are what the camera is focused on. The curved crack in the upper right is the second thing to grab your eye and leads your eye to the grass in the background which is not as important as the rest of the image.

5.The lizard is the focal point and is also the first thing you see because of his contrast with the dark hole he is in. Without this dark background  behind him he wouldn’t draw as much attention. The pointy stems hovering over the lizard lead you eye to the other side of the image and the contrast on the rocky dirt is the last thing you observe.

6.The first thing you look at is the flower which is actually really small but this photo scales it to look at lot bigger then it really is grabbing a lot of attention. This flower is also placed on the  rule of thirds and has the most color in the image which makes it the focal point. The second thing you look at is the girl to the right which draws less attention because of her small scale in the distance. The hill leads your eye down the left of the image which is just the background and is the least important.

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